After an amazing wedding spent with our closest friends and family {whether they were there in person or in spirit}, Mark and I jetted off to Kauai for our honeymoon : eight days filled with relaxing, hiking, exploring the island, snorkeling, enjoying each other's company, hospital stays...
Yes, hospital stays.
Who knew that our vows "In sickness and in health" would be tested just one day after we got married?
Poor Mark got a really bad infection that had to be knocked out with a series of heavy-duty antibiotics, so he spent the first few days of our honeymoon in a hospital room. The doctors and nurses were so lovely, and we were known around the hospital as "the honeymooners."
After he was released, he was given strict orders to rest, elevate his leg and continue his antibiotics. So our honeymoon didn't exactly start out as expected, but we had some wonderful times. Check back later this week to see what we ate, what we saw {unfortunately, no sightings of Jennifer Aniston and Justin Thereaux, who were there the same time we were} and what we did.
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