It's November and it's officially my birthday month.
I like a month rather than a day or a week. Silly, perhaps, but this year, my birthday falls on a Tuesday. How completely uneventful. And since I'll be turning 30, an uneventful birth
day just won't do {plus, Mark won't be back from Virginia in time to celebrate on the actual day}.
Nordstrom kicks off the month-long celebration by giving me {and anyone else who shops there} the gift of the Half Yearly Sale, which starts November 3. That also means, if you have the
Nordstrom MOD or credit card, you earn double points during the first few days!
Oh, and remember
last week when I mentioned Anthropologie sends birthday love? It came! I think I get as much enjoyment from the packaging as I do the present.
But this year's biggest factor for celebrating all month long is the fact that Mark and I will be relaxing here over Thanksgiving
*maui image courtesy of here