Friday, September 16, 2011

birthday cake all over your face

Last night, a few friends and I headed downtown to see Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes and The Walkmen in concert. And it was amazing.

It was a hot ticket since it was the only time that these three acts would be performing together anywhere in the country. How lucky for Phoenix that it was here! {please forgive the fuzzy photos}

I have to say, though, I saw Bon Iver two years ago when they were still relatively unknown and promoting their debut album, For Emma, Forever Ago, which was truly an experience. And although this time wasn't nearly as intimate, it was no less spectacular, and in some ways moreso with the the bigger spread of band members and flashing lights. Check out The New Times' review of the show - there's some good videos and you'll better understand this post's title.

~from 2009~

I'm currently obsessed with Justin Vernon's cover of "I Can't Make You Love Me." It never fails to give me the chills in a wonderful way.

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