Tuesday, September 7, 2010

becoming bourdain

I want Anthony Bourdain's job. His show, "No Reservations," takes him around the world, exploring places, meeting the people and tasting the cuisine. And then he shares his discoveries with us. Travel and food? What a perfect job for me!

Last night was the premiere of his 100th episode and he came full-circle, showing us Paris (the city where the first episode of "No Reservations" was filmed) and taking us to places like Le Comptoir, Le Chateaubriand, Les Coquettes and more.

~via travelchannel.com~

~via travelchannel.com~

Want to have a food adventure on your next vacation, just like Bourdain? Check out theurbangrocer.com. They have tips, hints and suggestions for eateries around the world; you can even narrow your search by continent and country, thanks to their Global Guide.

They also share food-related chotchkies and highlight unique beverages and other foodstuff finds. 

~american cupcake's red velvet fried chicken~
photo by anthony mylott via theurbangrocer.com

~bob's your uncle wine in a beer bottle~

~mr. tea towel from todryfor.com~

1 comment:

  1. Mr tea towel. That's good stuff. We're going to europe in two years baby!



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