I've been obsessed with making my lashes fuller and longer since I can remember.
When I was in college (go, Devils!), I spent a summer studying in Spain. At the end of an amazing experience full of food, friends and fantastic places, my instructor passed out handmade cards with a label that identified us. Mine was pestañas perfectas - perfect eyelashes. It was fitting since I wouldn't leave my room to go on a run without first applying mascara.
In an effort to be sure my eyelashes always look bold and beautiful, I've tested a lot of eyelash curlers and even more mascaras and came up with the perfect combination.
Eyelash curler
Shu Uemura has the quintessential curler. It gives the best curl with the least amount of effort. Be sure to always curl first before you apply mascara. If you apply your mascara first then curl, you run the risk of pulling out or otherwise damaging your eyelashes.
My favorite mascara isn't one of those pricey department store brands. I thought about it, and I've spent a pretty penny on some (those suckers can cost upwards of 35 bucks!), but I always came back to the less expensive drug store brand. My choice : Maybelline's Volume Express line.
My absolute fave is their newest incarnation called The Falsies (waterproof, please).
A few coats of this and my eyes have that wide-open look framed by thick, glossy, long, luscious lashes. Sure, they're not the look of actual false lashes, but they're pretty dang close. And while it is a waterproof formula, it's easily removed with my favorite eye-makeup remover.
I'm also considering taking a deeper look at some of those growth serums on the market. Specifically, the ones that are available at a department store or the mecca of makeup, Sephora, and don't come with warnings about permanent iris discoloration or blindness.
I may be obsessed, but I'm not crazy.
Stay tuned for reviews!
Update : Well, lookie here! Sephora just sent me an email with this link. Someone's been reading my mind...
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