Monday, September 27, 2010

a blossoming locavore

We are a culture who likes labels - and one more I'm adding to my list is locavore. For those of you who are new to the term, a locavore is someone who prefers to eat locally grown or produced foods. I came across this great article which outlines 10 ways to become a locavore.

One easy way to start to become more locally conscious is to visit a farmers market. Most of the time, you get to chat with the farmer who's food you're purchasing.

A few years ago, I drove with my friend across three states when she moved to Portland. Beforehand, we took a few days to explore the city a few months before her move. One of my favorite things about the city was their farmers market. It was the most amazing one I've even been to. And the proof is in the pictures.

Another great way is to find restaurants who support local farmers. Some of my favorites around town include

Hillside Spot

True Food Kitchen - part of the family of FOX Restaurant Concepts restaurants.

The Farm at South Mountain

Pizzeria Bianco and Pane Bianco

Confession: I despised tomatoes until a couple of years ago. Thanks to Chris Bianco and his amazing caprese salad and mozzarella and tomato sandwich, I am now a lover of tomatoes - more specifically, I love the locally grown tomatoes from One Windmill Farm or McClendon Farms.

These are just a few of my favorite ways to be locally conscious; there are so many ways to be a locavore. 

If you decide you want to be more aware of where your food products come from, don't let that change - or any other change you want to make in your life - be daunting or overwhelming. Small changes are sustainable changes.

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