I think airports are so romantic. It's the first place you see when you land in a new city. It's where loved ones get to see each other for the first time after spending time apart. And it's the first place to welcome you home.
Lately I've been spending
a lot of time in airports. I used to be the girl who couldn't go away for two days without hauling a big month-long-European-adventure-sized piece of luggage with her. Now, I can pack all my essentials (plus some extra!) in a carry-on. This is a HUGE feat for me. And I found some must-haves that I can't live without when I travel.
~heys suitcase. super lightweight and ultra sturdy. mine's pink. of course.~ |
~lululemon groove pants. made for yoga, perfect for travel.~ |
~evian spray. helps keep you moisturized in that recirculated airplane air.~ |
~burt's bees super shiny lip gloss. super glossy, not sticky and really moisturizing.~ |
~sleep masks are the perfect travel companion. also helpful when the curtains don't close or exist in your hotel room.~ |
I want those groove pants. Like, bad.